The Style Perk Travels : Rome Part 1

Happy Monday, and Happy Labor Day! It’s also my mother’s birthday, so Happy Birthday to her! 🙂 This summer has been a summer of major travelling for me, and I can’t wait to share my experiences up here! First up will be my Rome post. I like to keep my blog posts somewhat brief, so I’ll be breaking most of my travel posts into two parts.

Before I go into details, let me preface why I was there. Two of my friends wanted to celebrate their 30th birthdays in a major way, so they decided they wanted to do the Yacht Week Greece route (blog posts on my Yacht Week experience to come). Since we were so close to Rome, we figured we might as well spend a couple of days exploring the city before heading to Athens, Greece.



Rome was amazing. I can appreciate beautiful architecture, and I saw it everywhere I looked while I was there. My friends and I arrived at our AirBNB on Wednesday night. Our apartment was super close to the Colosseum, so some of our friends decided to check it out that same night and take pictures. I was way too tired after the long flight (including a 6 hour layover in Istanbul, Turkey) to do anything but try to catch up on some blog stuff, and fall asleep so that I could be prepared to have a long day of exploring Rome. The next day, we got up, and grabbed some breakfast from a nearby café. I didn’t capture the café on my camera, (I was too busy snapchatting, lol) but it was a cute little picturesque spot. The actual food was decent, but I discovered that I am not one for Roman bacon! It was very thinly sliced, and soft, and tasted kind of like it wasn’t cooked. Anyway, up first on our agenda was the Colosseum. As we walked up to it, we had several people asking if we wanted to take a tour, and the tour ticket would also allow us to skip the line. The ticket that gets you into the Colosseum, Forum, and Palatine Hill is 12euro for adults. My friends and I figured it would be worth it to take the tour for 21euro a piece, because it also allowed us to skip the line, and of course the line for the Colosseum was crazy!!!


Honestly, skipping the line was probably worth it, but I could’ve done without the tour. I really just wanted a brief history of the Colosseum, but my tour guide went into extreme detail and was long-winded, which some can appreciate. However, when you’re still pretty tired and need to move around to stay alert and focused, standing and listening to a history lecture isn’t exactly the best idea. Eventually my friends and I went to explore the amazing amphitheater on our own. I must admit I got separated from my people for like maybe 30 minutes or so because I just had to leave to go to the bathroom, and that line of course was crazy. So I was Kasi the Explorer all on my own for a minute there, which was completely fine because it was so awesome! I could see why it is still used for the baseline for amphitheaters today. Though the Colosseum naturally has some partial ruins, it’s pretty awesome to think of how well it has held up over the past 1,945 years! Salute to the architects who built it! I will finish up reviewing my time in Rome in part two.






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Have you had the chance to visit Rome or the Colosseum yet, or do you have plans on visiting at some point? Let me know below!


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36 thoughts on “The Style Perk Travels : Rome Part 1

  1. Holly

    I loved Rome. I wonder if we had the same guide! She was just going on and on and people just started walking away lol. She was great for skipping the line, although when I went there wasn’t much of a line.

  2. Allison Jones

    I absolutely loved Rome! I’ve been twice, and the second time was equally as fabulous as the first. There’s nothing like seeing things we’ve read about in history books and seen in movies up close and personal.

    Allison Jones

    1. kasiperkins Post author

      Hi Tiffany! It was sooo fun, and I highly recommend it! If you’re not already apart of multiple frequent flyer airline mileage programs, I would be sure to join them all! Southwest, American Airlines, Delta, Jetblue, etc. So that you can rack up points. Same goes for having a credit card with points for spending so that you can get free miles. Do the same with signing up for points programs at hotels. That will highly cut down on costs. Staying at airbnbs ( will also cut down on costs, especially if you’re traveling with more than one person. I would also find at least one friend who is down for the adventure, and then start planning! Some great travel blogs that my friends have that will give you some good travel tips/ideas are:, and Another major one is Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions! 🙂

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